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Logo Design & Branding

DLS Graphics: Nashville | Mt. Juliet | Lebanon, TN

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Your logo is a visual representation of your business. It should be clean and memorable. The colors and typefaces should be chosen carefully to reflect your unique message. The ideal logo will be able to stand the test of time and should be able to be utilized for a variety of mediums and applications. DLS Graphics’ logo design will include your logo in color and grayscale versions and a variety of formats such as pdf, jpg, png, and eps (if applicable). Below are some examples of our logos and information on file formats.



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File Formats and What They Are Used For

EPS: Encapsulated PostScript. EPS, also called vector files, are used for printing and can be enlarged without losing quality. EPS files cannot be opened unless you have a specific software program such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or Quark. EPS files can be used for specific color separations.

TIFF: Tagged Image File Format. TIFF files are also used for printing and are higher quality than JPG files. CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) 4 color file.

JPG: Can also be used for printing, may not be as high resolution as a TIFF file

PDF: Portable Document Format. Can also be used for print. PDF files can be used for specific color separations.

GIF: Smaller file, used for web, file supports transparent background

PNG: A newer image format than GIF. Used for web, file supports transparent background

DLS Graphics: Creating your unique vision for print & web.

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